Tag: translation

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The famous saying goes “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” For many international products and services that first impression begins with the company or brand name. All cultures tout the importance of “protecting your good name.” Yet there are many anecdotes of famous, established brands that tanked in foreign markets … Learn More

why cheapest isn't always the best option image

Often when organizations look for language services, price drives their decision, and they award translation projects to the lowest bidder. However, price should not be the only consideration when selecting a language service provider. Sometimes, the lowest cost can result in the worst results including: lack of control, delayed turnaround times, linguistic inconsistencies and prolonged … Learn More

business people standing around computer

Many of today’s multicultural, multinational corporations have speakers of dozens of global languages on staff. When documents, such as contracts, product manuals, or websites need to be translated into foreign languages, many managers wonder whether they really need to outsource translation or do it in-house with the help of their multilingual employees. These employees understand … Learn More

ce marking translation

This year Croatia becomes the 28th EU member state to require CE Marking. This means that manufacturers will be able to place products, devices and machines on the Croatian market, but those items must have documentation in the Croatian language. After reading the above sentence you may find yourself asking, “what is CE marking, and what … Learn More

translators are superheroes icon

Not many people think of translators until they either need one or they find something that has been mistranslated. Let’s be honest, many don’t even know why we need translators. Some, when looking for translation, don’t think beyond selecting the cheapest or easiest translator with no real consideration of theirsubject matter expertise and quality. Translators … Learn More

subway train arriving

On October 1, 2012 the US Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) finalized and released Circular 4702.1B which clarifies and explains guidelines for Title VI language and translation requirements. Previously the DOT language requirements were confusing. Some transportation agencies did not understand that the language requirements applied to them. To address the … Learn More

Reasons why DTP is important Icon

Perhaps you have sent a translation or localization project to a professional translation company who recommended that in addition to the typical translation, editing and proofing, you add Desktop Publishing (DTP) to your project. You may be wondering, why do I need a language service provider to perform my desktop publishing? Why can’t my design … Learn More

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I recently spoke with one of our new Project Managers who is currently going through our on-boarding training and I asked him what stood out so far with what he was learning about our translation processes. The thing that he thought was remarkable was the process that a document goes through in translation and the … Learn More

translating marketing content

You’ve spent time and resources developing your brand, creating campaigns and crafting marketing content to reach your audience, and now you are ready to tap into global markets or multilingual markets here at home. To do this you must translate and localize your marketing content, but how do you ensure that your brand voice is … Learn More

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Large, highly technical translation and localization initiatives can be daunting. Especially when they are spread out over multiple projects and involve numerous languages. Languages can be ambiguous. Particularly, given the product-, company- or industry-specific terminology that exists and the multiple meanings a term or phrase may have. How do you manage multiple projects with multiple … Learn More