Tag: quality translation

ai medical translation

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving world of medical clinical research, the requirement for precise and reliable translation services is greater than ever. Here’s a link to a Blog titled “Making Medical Translation A Differentiating Factor For Successful Clinical Trials” that delves into this issue in full detail. With the recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), … Learn More

medical translation

The impact of language errors in clinical trials can be significant, leading to confusion for the participants and researchers. These frustrating events can lead to dropouts, delays in execution timelines, and even affect the validity of the ultimate trial results. Because of this, regulatory agencies now require that global clinical trials are accurate, consistent, and culturally appropriate in each of the local countries they are administered.

Investing in high-quality transcreation services can be a major differentiator for a successful clinical trial, by ensuring regulatory compliance and improved patient outcomes.

best practices icon

Following our exploration of the importance of Cognitive Debriefing in ensuring the cultural and linguistic appropriateness of patient-reported outcome measures, we now turn our focus to the best practices in conducting Cognitive Debriefing sessions. This critical phase in the translation process demands careful planning, execution, and analysis to ensure that the data collected is of … Learn More

clinical research translation icon

Building on the foundational understanding of Cognitive Debriefing provided in the previous article, we delve into the pivotal role this process plays in clinical research. As we’ve established, Cognitive Debriefing is more than a mere translation check; it’s an essential step in ensuring that patient-reported outcomes are accurately captured across linguistic and cultural divides. This … Learn More

translators are superheroes icon

Not many people think of translators until they either need one or they find something that has been mistranslated. Let’s be honest, many don’t even know why we need translators. Some, when looking for translation, don’t think beyond selecting the cheapest or easiest translator with no real consideration of theirsubject matter expertise and quality. Translators … Learn More

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I recently spoke with one of our new Project Managers who is currently going through our on-boarding training and I asked him what stood out so far with what he was learning about our translation processes. The thing that he thought was remarkable was the process that a document goes through in translation and the … Learn More

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Large, highly technical translation and localization initiatives can be daunting. Especially when they are spread out over multiple projects and involve numerous languages. Languages can be ambiguous. Particularly, given the product-, company- or industry-specific terminology that exists and the multiple meanings a term or phrase may have. How do you manage multiple projects with multiple … Learn More

Translation memory and glossary image

Sometimes we get so close to translation and localization projects we forget that not everyone knows the tools and technology we use. For example, we sometimes find ourselves explaining the difference between Translation Memory and a glossary or terminology database. This blog is dedicated to explaining that difference and the benefits of using both Translation … Learn More

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Have you ever been asked to have a back translation and reconciliation done for your forward translation and you weren’t sure what that means or why it was necessary? Back translation and reconciliation services give you additional quality and accuracy assurance for your most sensitive translation and localization projects. Both back translation and reconciliation become important … Learn More