Language Scientific has been providing accounting and auditing translation services for over 25 years. We provide translation solutions to assist accounting firms and CPAs work globally.
Language Scientific understands that the accounting industry has undertaken a technological transformation. We have developed unique solutions combing both artificial intelligence while maintaining the human touch that translation requires. Our accounting and auditing translation solutions leverage AI assisted machine translation while using translation memory, and in context review to ensure the highest quality translations. Language Scientific strives to work with our clients to provide a truly customizable solution to meet your accounting translation goals.
Language Scientific understands that translation needs to fit into your accounting workflow. We work with accounting and auditing teams to deliver a fully customizable solution that makes sense for your workflow. Our translation technology ensures both accuracy and consistency across all accounting translation efforts. To learn more how Language Scientific can help your accounting translation needs please click below.
Language Scientific, Inc.® is a privately held corporation headquartered in Medford, Massachusetts.
Language Scientific, 101 Station Landing, Suite 500, Medford, MA 02155
+1 617-621-0940